5 Examples & Types of Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions

Surveys are tools or techniques used to gather information for research purposes and typically consist of written questions. In this article, we will discuss customer satisfaction surveys, which are instruments used by businesses to collect data on customer preferences and opinions. The goal is for businesses to understand customers’ needs to improve or adjust products and services accordingly.

According to Qualtrics, 93% of customers are influenced by online reviews before making a purchase. Furthermore, the same source mentioned that 94% of customers will avoid transactions with businesses that have bad reviews. It turns out that customer reviews have a significant impact after all. Therefore, it’s essential to communicate with your customers to understand their preferences, needs, and how you can help them enhance their pleasant experience with your business.

So, what is customer satisfaction in business, and how do you measure it? What are the types and examples of customer satisfaction surveys? Read this article till the end to find out!

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Definition & Types

Measuring customer satisfaction has become a crucial element in the business world as it can significantly enhance customer experience (CX). Data obtained from customers can serve as a valuable source of insights. These insights not only reflect the level of customer satisfaction with services or products but also provide an overview of a company’s strengths and weaknesses.

The results of this analysis can then serve as a foundation for businesses to take further action. Therefore, companies can design more effective strategies, identify areas which require improvement, and, overall, enhance their relationships with customers, ultimately positively impacting the success of the business

To create a customer satisfaction survey, it’s not just about distributing questions. You must first understand what kind of data you need. In this way, you can then provide the most suitable survey for your customers.

Let’s Get to Know the Types of Customer Satisfaction Surveys!

  1. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Survey

This type of survey typically focuses on evaluating products or services with the aim of measuring how well they meet customer expectations. Usually, CSAT includes simple questions with limited answer choices, such as “Yes/No,” “Agree/Disagree,” or “Satisfied/Dissatisfied.”

CSAT makes it easy for companies to quickly and easily collect data. The results can indicate the level of customer satisfaction towards the offered goods or services. With this information, companies can identify areas that require improvements to meet customer expectations.

It’s important to note that this type of surveys is quite effective in quantitatively measuring customer satisfaction. The results can be processed into percentages that show to what extent customer satisfaction can be achieved towards a product or service.

2. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a type of survey that asks customers to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 in response to specific questions. While similar to CSAT in terms of content, NPS uses numeric ratings as responses instead.

The results of the NPS survey indicate how satisfied customers are with a company’s products or services. The average score for this survey is 7–10. If you have already achieved these numbers, it means that customers are already satisfied with your products or services.

3. Customer Effort Score (CES) Survey

You can use the CES survey to gauge how efficient your customer service (CS) team has been in addressing customer needs. The results can help you identify parts of the CS process that need improvement – be it the streamlining processes, reducing waiting times, or enhancing communication efficiency. Therefore, the CES becomes a crucial tool for you in your efforts to improve customer satisfaction and build strong customer relationships.

The lower the CES score, the less effort customers need to interact with the company, which typically signifies a better experience.

4. Milestone Surveys

A milestone survey is a tool designed to measure customer satisfaction at specific intervals. The goal of this type of survey is to gather customer feedback on how products or services have met or failed to meet customer expectations during a particular period.

Milestone surveys are essential tools in a sustained strategy to maintain and enhance customer satisfaction. They allow you to observe how customer satisfaction changes over time and identify issues or opportunities that may arise. It also helps companies adapt and improve their services to meet changing customer needs and expectations, as well as build stronger customer relationships.

Consider These Factors Before Distributing Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Before moving on to the stage of distributing customer satisfaction surveys, it’s essential to understand the steps involved. This is done to ensure that you have a clear grasp of the necessary data and know which type of survey to use.

  1. Understand the Process

Understanding the process thoroughly is the first step before initiating a customer survey. This includes determining who the surveys will be distributed to, identifying the metrics to be measured or evaluated, and planning effective methods to capture customer attention. By comprehending these aspects, you can better prepare yourself to conduct the customer survey, ensuring that your objectives are met and that the collected data is relevant.

2. Question Types

Before creating a customer satisfaction survey, it’s crucial to understand that not all questions are suitable for inclusion. You need to select relevant questions and avoid irrelevant ones. Questions that are overly lengthy, forceful, or irrelevant can lead to discomfort and discourage customer participation.

Therefore, it’s important to choose question types that are most appropriate for a survey’s objectives and the information you want to gather. This will help you generate more accurate results and provide customers with a better experience.

3. Determine the Target

Selecting the right target audience is a crucial aspect that should be taken seriously. Some may think that collecting more data is always better.

However, this is not always true because every survey participant should have sufficient knowledge about the product they have used. Therefore, it is advisable to choose customers who already have experience using the offered products or services.

5 Examples of Customer Satisfaction Survey for Various Purposes

  1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for Restaurants or F&B
    1. Is this your first visit to our restaurant?
    2. How did you hear about our restaurant?
    3. How often do you visit?
    4. Do you intend to return?

Answer Options: Very Likely / Likely / Unlikely / Very Unlikely

5. Do you think our restaurant is suitable for families?

Answer Options: Yes / No, please provide an explanation.

2. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for Customer Application Products

  1. How long have you been using our solution?
  2. What factors did you consider before confidently using our solution?
  3. How frequently do you utilize our solution?
  4. Has our solution played a role in achieving your goals?
  5. Which features do you often apply in your daily activities?

3. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for Banks

  1. How do you rate the level of skills and knowledge of our staff regarding bank products and services?

Answers: Very Competent / Competent / Adequately Competent / Less Competent

2. How do you rate the friendliness and courtesy of our staff when interacting with you?
Answers: Very Friendly / Friendly / Average / Less Friendly

3. Would you recommend our bank as a banking option to your colleagues, friends, or family members?
Answers: Yes / No

4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for Hospitals

  1. Did you experience difficulty scheduling appointments with our hospital?
  2. How do you rate the professionalism of our staff?

Answers: Very Competent / Competent / Adequately Competent / Less Competent

3. What are your opinions about the diagnostic investigation process you have undergone?

4. Considering your overall experience with our medical care services, how likely are you to recommend us to friends or coworkers?

Answers: Likely/ Unlikely

5. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions for Customer Service (CS)

  1. How do you rate the assistance we have provided?
  2. How satisfied are you with our service?

Answer Options: Highly Satisfied / Satisfied / Dissatisfied / Highly Dissatisfied

3. To what extent would you recommend our service to friends or coworkers?
4. How would you rate ability of our service(s) in resolving your issues?

Answer Options: Very Effective / Effective / Average / Ineffective / Very Ineffective

5. What suggestions do you have for improving your experience with us?

Creating Customer Satisfaction Surveys with Qiscus!

Qiscus Survey is a complete and precise solution for creating customer satisfaction surveys for your business. With this solution, you can easily create surveys, collect data from your customers, and analyze it comprehensively. This way, youcan gain crucial insights into your customers’ preferences and needs.

Furthermore, Qiscus Survey can assist you in creating various types of customer satisfaction surveys, including Customer Effort Score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS), milestone surveys, and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT). With intuitive features and a variety of templates available, you can quickly and easily design surveys that meet the needs of your business.

Get Qiscus Survey today and take a step towards the success of your business by listening to your customers. Click here to get started now!

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