As the digital world is growing rapidly, some changes happen. The way we communicate, the way we share, even the way businesses develop. Now, chatting and sending messages are some of the ways to communicate and connect with other people. A long time ago, we used to send letters or emails with attachments and wait for the confirmation. But now, we can even send an attachment through an in-app messaging or a chat platform.
Chat Platform is A Trend
Chat platform is so popular, not only for private purposes but also for business. We use private chat platform to connect with people, which is the same as business owners using chat platforms to connect with their customers.
Why does chat platform become a trend? You know, people are becoming more interested in actually communicating, rather than broadcasting messages – even in social media. Social media won’t go away, but the old social networks may become less necessary to certain groups. However, smartphone users are also more likely to have push notifications turned on for a messaging app than for email.
Also read: “AI and Chat Trends in 2018“
Probably you wonder why there are so many chat platform nowadays. Even the old players in social media or digital world like Facebook and Instagram also add its in-app messaging to attract their users. Facebook with its Facebook Messenger and Instagram with its Direct Message plus its ‘Allow Sharing’ feature. Even though now, Facebook Messenger is not so effective as it has no clear, oriented target.
When we want to access some websites, either it is a hotel, attraction, or e-commerce website, we may find out the pop-up of live-chat featured there, asking a question like “Hello there, I am XXX. What can I do for you?” Well, you have already entered the world of live chat.
About Live Chat
As Live Chat is so desirable in digital industry, we want to give you some insight about its excellences. Here are some points you need to know:
Live Chat is Convenient for Customers
When you want to do an online shopping or online booking, you may want to know the detailed information about the products or services. It is more convenient if you can connect with someone who can answer your questions in real time with precision. This is why a brand needs an in-app messaging on their website or application.
A study conducted by Forester Research found the following:
“Many online consumers want help from a live person while they go shopping online; in fact, 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.”
Live Chat Reduces Expenses and Increase Sales
If you have a live chat support for your website, you can save on both employee task-time and phone expenses. With employees spending less time on the phone, they can multi-task during chat conversations. Besides that, real time chat will increase high customer satisfaction scores and drive sales.
You are Better Than Your Competitor
A customer’s need that has yet to be filled is called a pain point. If you want to give better services to your customers and erase their pain points at once, then you’d better add a chat platform in your website. Have ever heard about QISME ?
QISME is an abbreviation of Qiscus Member Engagement. This accelerator packages or End-to-End (E2E) packages is a solution for your customer engagement issue, filled is called a pain point.
Basically, build an application from scratch requires time and lots of resources. Qiscus wants to simplify it by saving your time and energy through QISME. If you want to have your own labelled white chat platform, Qiscus can provide the template for you. You can request Qiscus to modify your own chat platform as you want.
If you have your own chat platform, then you will get noticed by the customers. Besides that, your base application will eventually reach your target market easier than before. So, you had better have QISME to help you gain customer engagement. It will definitely complete your business website and business’s application.
Also read: Lead Your Business to Conversational Commerce
How to Gain Your Customer Engagement with Live Chat
Live chat can definitely increase your customer engagement. It will also drive your sales higher as long as it is executed correctly. Here are some tips for you:
Live chat can obviously increase your business potential, but only if it’s executed correctly. That’s why you need to train your customer service officers on how they handle your customers. Your team will need to learn not just the product knowledge but also the way they talk nicely to customers. So don’t be too rigid. Consider hiring people with sales experiences, like those who know how to sell and convince your customers to buy your products or services.
You need to be prepared for surges in high chat demands. Customers need to understand if they are in a queue for talking to your customer service officers. Your representatives will talk to them shortly, if not immediately. It is a way to avoid a bad impression to your company.
To understand more about the digitization trend, please download our FREE e-book title “Conversation is More Than A Message”
Give Your Customers What They Need
In the end, you also need to give your customers helpful chat features. There are various packages for you, from QISME (Qiscus Member Engagement) to QVC (Qiscus Virtual Consultation).
So, what are the benefits of having QISME? It has some great features for your business, such as:
Chat-Based Engagements
White-labelled chat platform template created by Qiscus has user profile, social channels, and friend lists (which are auto sync from phonebook). This chat platform will maintain your previous circle.
Timeline & Group Chat to Facilitate Updates / Event Sharing
When you have a lot of group inside this chat platform, you will be easily updated to whatever event sharing or news they have. It helps you to stay on track and always be up-to-date.
Interest-Related Chat Groups + Centralized Admin
The chat platform will have allows you to have a centralized admin. It means the admin can monitor and be able to create a chat group based on industry or interest and add users into it.
Individual & Public Timeline
All users in the chat platform which is created by Qiscus will have their own timelines. Individual users’ timeline are accessible via their own profile pages. All users’ updates will be posted on a ‘public timeline’. It means the timeline is functioned as a place where all the user engagement occurs. You can navigate and maximize this feature to achieve your goals.
Revenue Making Opportunities
As mentioned above, customer engagement through live chat can increase your sales. This point is also considered by QISME. Other organizations or companies who want to provide their services/promotions via the app can be given an ‘official account’. Via this official account, the organization/company will have a dedicated timeline and chat room through which they can engage the app users.
Also read: “How Businesses Today are Implementing Chatbots to Elevate Their Services“
Through QISME, you will get five bundled benefits for your business. Unlike any other in-app messaging chat platforms, white labelled chat platform by Qiscus is valuable and useful for your business. It is a new way to join the competition in the digital world. Read our stories and drop your inquiries at [email protected].