The ability to improve the customer experience is a dream for many companies. Along with the changing times, businesses have increasingly found the need to innovate in improving their brands’ customer experience. To achieve this, businesses can work on many ways to make communication more interactive, accessible, and responsive in their interactions with the customer, which can greatly impact and increase response rates. Netciti feels the same way.
As a communication services providers, Netciti is faced with the need to continue innovating to develop its customer service to provide the best customer experience. Having a large number of subscribers is directly proportional to the number of incoming messages a brand receives. This underlies exactly what Netciti experienced in helping to find the right solution to manage all messages the brand has received.
By relying on the WhatsApp channel to serve its customers every day, how did Netciti finally realize what it takes to provide the best customer experience for its followers? Check out this article to find out about Netciti’s journey.
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Netciti Provides Services to its Customer Service 24/7
Netciti is a telecommunications service provider in Indonesia that provides various services, including Home TV, Home Internet, and Home Phone. As a telecommunications provider, understandably, the various services offered by Netciti are services that must function smoothly around the clock for the sake of its users.
Being available 24/7 certainly increases the chances of disruptions happening outside office hours, such as at midnight or in the early mornings. Realizing these potential challenges, Netciti maximized its customer service , one of which is by being available 24/7 even beyond office hours. Of course, having a customer service team operating 24/7 is considered very advantageous from the customer’s point of view since they can contact Netciti at any time without any time limit.
WhatsApp Limitations and Subscriber Numbers are Challenges for Netciti
Until now, Netciti provides a variety of communication channels for its customer service, including email, telephone, and WhatsApp. Opening a 24/7 customer service department also contributed to the high volume of incoming messages Netciti receives. Especially with the number of users who are already very large, of course it is not strange if the messages received are also the same, especially on WhatsApp.
Netciti admits that the number of conversations on WhatsApp tends to be higher when compared to email and telephone. While this was a good problem, Netciti’s agents frequently became overwhelmed with the surge in number of incoming messages. One of the things considered to be Netciti’s biggest challenge is the device limitation of the conventional WhatsApp application. The regular WhatsApp account meant that Netciti had to create so many numbers to be used for access on different devices, which limited its ability to respond to customers as quickly as possible.
Furthermore, customer service agents who are also scattered in various cities with systems that are not integrated are also a challenge for Netciti. For instance, Netciti found it difficult to monitor which agents were active or not. Seeing the increasingly ineffective method used at that time through regular WhatsApp became the tipping point for Netciti in searching for a solution that could significantly improve its customer service processes.
Netciti’s Strategy to Improve Customer Service
After spending some time searching for the right solutions to overcome the customer service challenges faced by Netciti, it eventually settled on using Qiscus products and solutions. By using the WhatsApp Business API provided by Qiscus,which is integrated into Qiscus Omnichannel Chat, Netciti eventually managed to provide the best services and experiences for its customers and overcome the challenges that previously existed.
1. Switching to WhatsApp Business API for More Advanced Services
The WhatsApp Business API is a solution to overcome device limitations that users face on ordinary WhatsApp accounts, which was the case for Netciti. Since using this solution, Netciti can easily add up dozens of other agents linked to the same WhatsApp account. Now, Netciti only needs one WhatsApp account for all its agents. Netciti claims that the use of the WhatsApp Business API and Qiscus Omnichannel Chat have resulted in an increase of a positiveresponse rate by up to 95% compared to previous times.
2. Maximizing Auto-reply Feature on Qiscus Omnichannel Chat
Various features provided by Qiscus Omnichannel Chat, including the Auto-Reply feature, greatly assist Netciti in replying to customer messages efficiently. According to the company, the Auto-Reply feature, which functions to automatically respond to messages that meet a predefined criteria, makes the agents’ work light. This is because agents can now focus on messages that are more important, thus indirectly increasing agent productivity.
This feature also ensures that customers do not wait too long for a reply. For example, when there are many incoming messages, Netciti can simply send messages that have been preset in the Auto-reply feature to customers while waiting for agents to finish replying to other customer messages.
3. Review and Evaluate Agent Performance with Accurate Data
Agents scattered in various cities are also no longer a challenge for Netciti since Qiscus Omnichannel Chat now comes with the Analytics feature, making it easier for Netciti to monitor remotely which agents are currently active at a present time. This feature also allows Netciti to review and evaluate agent performance. With the presence of the Analyticsfeature, Netciti’s customer service agents can now improve on their performance without affecting the quality of Netciti’s customer service team.
Maximizing your Customer Service Processes with Qiscus
Netciti’s experiences in continuing to improve its customer service processes and various other challenges teach businesses important lessons. Apart from maximizing on technology, having a customer-centric culture that puts the interests of the customer first will ensure that the balance between services and technology is preserved, while contributing to its survival.
Qiscus is here as a communication solution for businesses to meet customer expectations, resulting in increased customer satisfaction rates. Various brands in different industries with diverse experiences have collaborated with us to help them respond to challenges, just like Netciti. Is your business one of them? Visit this page to connect with our team!