Enhance Customer Experience with WhatsApp Flows

WhatsApp Flows
WhatsApp Flows.

WhatsApp recently introduced the WhatsApp Flows feature in September 2023. WhatsApp Flows promises a significant improvement in customer experience for your business. Customer experience itself is a crucial aspect of any business.

According to research by Forbes, in shopping, 48% of customers prioritize customer experience over product price. Therefore, WhatsApp Flows is here to assist businesses in building a better customer experience. WhatsApp Flows aims to make interactions between businesses and customers more effective and increase customer engagement.

What is WhatsApp Flows?


Customer experience encompasses several key indicators, one of which is the “feel” or direct experience of using a product. WhatsApp Flows is designed to help businesses deliver tailored CX and enhance customer comfort to stay connected with your business.

WhatsApp Flows is a feature of WhatsApp that offers interactive user experiences within the familiar WhatsApp chat interface. It provides you with the flexibility to build, manage, and deliver customized Flows, shaping personalized user interaction paths.

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Ultimately, the flows you create can represent the customer journey of your brand. Customers will receive a comprehensive shopping experience from you, such as experiencing the journey from receiving promotional messages or broadcasts, registration, purchases, to after-sales services.

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Flows

The availability of WhatsApp Flows brings numerous benefits to your business, especially if you manage to maximize the flows you create. Engage with WhatsApp Business API partners for the creation of your business flow to reap the following benefits:

1. Enhances Customer Experience

Customer experience improves alongside the use of WhatsApp Flows. This is because customers are facilitated to conduct transactions or provide feedback within a single application. You would agree that having to switch between multiple apps during a transaction process can feel inconvenient. With this feature, such inconveniences can be minimized.

This streamlined customer experience will ultimately impact your customer engagement, as customers become more comfortable communicating and transacting.

2. Increases User Interaction

User interaction can be easily built through WhatsApp Flows. This feature allows you to incorporate images, videos, and call-to-action buttons to make communication between you and your customers more interactive.

There’s also the possibility of creating more personalized interactions. Here, you can customize message templates within Flows to deliver a more personal interaction.

3. Obtains Customer Feedback Quickly

Businesses can tailor flows to their needs, even to the extent of requesting feedback or input from their customers. Customers can provide feedback and input directly via WhatsApp, enabling you to better understand their needs and improve your services.

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4. Boosts Product Sales Conversions

Reaching the entire customer journey and perfecting the customer experience will impact product sales conversions. Your company’s revenue will increase as customers can easily make transactions directly after receiving your promotional messages.

5. Builds Customer Loyalty

Active interaction, increased customer engagement, and positive customer experiences will drive customer loyalty. Additionally, there’s the possibility that they will become brand advocates, helping to market your products to those around them.

WhatsApp Flows Can Be Used for Anything

The benefits of using WhatsApp Flows extend to meeting all business communication needs with customers, from promotional needs to customer service and operations.

1. Lead Generation


WhatsApp Flows are an invaluable tool for lead management. With integrated communication features, follow-ups, and transaction records, every interaction with customers is well-documented in conversation history. This allows you to track the progress of offers or promotions you’re running, enabling your marketing and sales teams to easily follow up or re-market to potential customers.

2. Appointment Booking


WhatsApp Flows also offer another enticing benefit: Appointment Booking. This feature helps businesses facilitate customer bookings directly within WhatsApp. Customers don’t need to switch between platforms to make transactions. Here, you simply need to craft a compelling call to action to engage customers.

3. Customer Feedback


Flows can also be utilized to gather feedback or customer feedback. You can create a flow where customers who complete a transaction are directed to fill out a customer satisfaction survey.

From the transaction process to conducting surveys, everything can be done through WhatsApp. Customer experience is enhanced, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction.

How to Get WhatsApp Flows

WhatsApp Flows is a feature only available with WA Business API. If you’re still using regular personal or business WhatsApp, now is the time to switch to WhatsApp Business API. Follow the steps below.

1. Register for WhatsApp Business API

Contact Qiscus as a WhatsApp Business API partner in Indonesia. You will be guided to prepare some supporting documents for WhatsApp Business API activation. Documents you need to prepare include legal documents, an email with your business domain name, the number to be registered, and a Facebook Business account.

2. Start Creating Flow Templates

Once the WA API account registration process is complete, you will gain access to create flows or workflows according to your needs. Within the Template Flow feature, there are many fields to fill in. However, in filling in and creating these flows, you will be assisted by the Qiscus team. Here, you can mention the title or name of the flow according to your needs, and then specify the flow category, whether it’s for lead generation or perhaps appointment booking.

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3. Testing and Using Your Flows

Once everything is ready, conduct several tests to ensure that the flows are suitable for your objectives. If they seem suitable, you can start using the existing flows. Don’t forget to use the flows according to your needs to maximize performance.

Case Study: WhatsApp Flows Implementation

WhatsApp Flows was released in 2023, and this solution has already been adopted by several Qiscus clients.

1. Consultation with Customers at Emina

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Emina utilizes WhatsApp Flows to personalize their services to customers, where customers can schedule consultations with Emina Care. The flow they prepared simplifies the process for customers to input the required data for consultations. Before WhatsApp Flows, Emina used Google Forms for their consultation booking system.

2. Event Registration at KADIN

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Kamar Dagang Indonesia (KADIN) also utilizes WhatsApp Flows. KADIN employs flows for new membership registration needs. Additionally, KADIN uses WhatsApp Flows for registration for seminars they organize. Event participants receive registration information via WhatsApp and directly fill out registration data through the form provided within the chat window. There’s no need to switch applications; everything is within their WhatsApp chat window.

Activating WhatsApp Flows with Qiscus

WhatsApp Flows require a relatively complex system readiness, but this can be overcome by choosing a partner like Qiscus. Qiscus can assist you in preparing flows according to your business needs.

Here, you can also enhance its performance through integration with various tools provided by Qiscus, such as omnichannel, CRM, and chatbots. This way, the needs for lead generation, customer service, and marketing campaigns can be met effectively. Interested in trying it out? Schedule a consultation with Qiscus here.

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