The 8 Roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing in Business

AI marketing for business.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked widespread discussions among the public as a groundbreaking technology. The emergence of AI is anticipated to assist various sectors, including Artificial Intelligence marketing technology.

This proves that AI is not just a passing trend but also a tool that can assist or simplify a business process. Speaking of AI and marketing, what is the extent of AI’s role when applied to marketing needs?

What is Meant by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a computational system or program capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. Therefore, AI is often referred to as artificial intelligence.

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AI derives its capabilities from self-learned data, subsequently aiding in responding to human commands or operating automatically through predefined settings.

The hope is that AI will be able to work independently without human intervention. In its application, AI can assist humans in simplifying business processes ranging from marketing, financial, education, and much more.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence Marketing

In its development, AI is expected to alleviate human work. It works on autopilot without any commands or interventions from humans.

Thus, tasks can be completed faster and more accurately. In practice, AI can also be maximized to assist in your product marketing campaigns.

Here are the roles of artificial intelligence marketing:

1. Accurate Data Analysis

As previously explained, artificial intelligence originates from existing data. Whether obtained from search engines or deliberately collected data.

AI marketing is useful for assisting in more accurate customer data analysis. They can help you analyze patterns and trends emerging in customers.

AI marketing can assist you in creating more accurate customer segmentation and improving your marketing strategies.

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2. Content Personalization

Artificial intelligence enables more sophisticated content personalization. Personalization is done after mapping your customer segmentation.

The content you produce and distribute will be tailored to your customers’ preferences. For example, Qiscus AI Assistant can help you create broadcast messages and respond to customer messages more personally.

The conversion rate will be higher because of the personalized messages you deliver through artificial intelligence marketing.

3. Customer Mapping

Through existing data, AI can help you map customers based on their preferences. The data obtained includes purchase history, demographics, and message histories.

If you use Qiscus AI Assistant, customer mapping can be easily done through integration with Qiscus CDP. Through customer data platform integration and AI marketing, customer mapping becomes easier.

Later on, you can create a more detailed customer database to help target your marketing campaigns.

4. Marketing Campaign Automation

Previously discussed, artificial intelligence will assist marketing in analyzing market trends and customer preferences. These steps will help you implement marketing campaign automation.

AI enables full or partial automation in marketing campaign execution. This includes automatic email delivery, social media post scheduling, and paid advertising optimization, saving time and human resources.

5. Customer Interaction

Proactive customer service available 24/7 is key to attracting more customers. AI, through chatbot implementation, will help you always be present for your customers.

Robolabs is a chatbot solution you can use to respond to customers quickly. Robolabs itself is a non-code chatbot that is easy to use in all types of industries.

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6. SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can also be assisted by AI. Artificial intelligence will analyze keyword trends or searches performed by your potential customers.

This analysis will help you improve website rankings and attract larger organic traffic.

7. Public Sentiment Analysis

AI marketing can assist you in analyzing public or customer sentiment from various sources. Public sentiment data that you can easily obtain is through social media.

This sentiment data will help you build brand image strategies for the company. Additionally, you can detect how customers respond to the products you have marketed.

8. Marketing Campaign Performance Analysis

Artificial intelligence marketing allows businesses to track and analyze campaign performance in real time. For example, in Qiscus Omnichannel Chat, there is real-time data presentation regarding message open rates, undelivered messages, response time, and other important data.

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This data will help you identify the success of your campaigns. Whether the campaigns you have conducted are in line with the ROI targets you have set or not.

Utilize Artificial Intelligence Marketing Solutions from Qiscus

The presence of AI in our lives has proven to simplify existing business processes. It should be emphasized that the presence of AI is not to intervene in human work but to foster stronger collaboration for maximum results.

Qiscus, as a provider of omnichannel chat solutions, also offers AI-based solutions to maximize your marketing campaign performance. There are Qiscus AI Assistant and Robolabs that can help your business continue to grow. Interested in trying it out? Contact Qiscus here.

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