101 Strategies to Determine the Best Time for WhatsApp Broadcasts

WhatsApp broadcasts
WhatsApp broadcasts.

WhatsApp broadcasts has become a mandatory strategy to utilize in 2024. This claim is supported by the data indicating that WhatsApp is the most widely used social media platform in Indonesia in 2024.

Based on this data, as a marketer, you may understand that there is a vast audience to be reached through WhatsApp. However, there are several aspects that need validation before implementing WhatsApp marketing strategies. Do you have the right WhatsApp marketing strategy in place? Particularly concerning the timing of WhatsApp broadcast delivery.

The Importance of Determining the Best Time for WhatsApp Broadcasts

Capturing customer attention is our responsibility as marketers, especially in today’s fast-paced era. Gaining customer attention through marketing campaigns doesn’t solely rely on crafting the right message and visuals, but also on timing the delivery appropriately to customers.

Therefore, determining the best time for WhatsApp broadcasts is crucial for marketers. Even personalized messages tailored to buyer personas won’t prompt customers to open them if sent at the wrong time.

There are other factors you should know explaining why sending WhatsApp broadcast messages at the right time is necessary.

1. Increasing WhatsApp Message Open Rates

Sending WhatsApp messages at the right time can undoubtedly boost your WhatsApp broadcast open rates. By avoiding times when customers are likely busy or less responsive, you can increase the chances of your messages being noticed and promptly responded to.

2. Enhancing Customer Engagement

Most customers have consistent WhatsApp usage habits throughout the day. Understanding the importance of timing in communicating with customers can open significant opportunities to enhance engagement and response from the target audience.

Engagement here takes various forms, such as customer satisfaction surveys being filled in a short time frame or a drastic increase in traffic to your e-commerce site after sending messages at the right time.

3. Improving Customer Engagement

Customer engagement here goes beyond just the relationship between the business and the customer; customers can further grasp the value of your brand. Sending broadcasts at the right time shows that you value users’ time and attention. This can help build stronger relationships with customers.

4. Boosting Sales Conversions

Sending WhatsApp broadcast messages at the right time has the potential to increase conversions for your products. During customers’ ‘golden’ times, they can more freely explore your products, not limited to just one product and possibly more.

During the right customer timing, customers are invited to recall their needs and see if they match the products you offer, and are ready to take purchasing action.

Understanding WhatsApp Usage Behavior

WhatsApp usage behavior
WhatsApp usage behavior. Freepik

First and foremost, what you need to delve into is the usage behavior of WhatsApp users in Indonesia. If possible, being more specific about particular cities would be even better. Understanding the usage patterns of WhatsApp users will facilitate you in determining the right time to send WhatsApp messages.

1. WhatsApp Usage Patterns

Dive deeper into understanding the WhatsApp usage patterns of your customers and target market. The frequency of WhatsApp usage in Indonesia is claimed to be the highest globally. On average, Indonesians spend 29 hours per month on WhatsApp, a fantastic figure worthy of further investigation.

The follow-up action required is to find out during which hours they are most active in opening WhatsApp, which days they are active, and then delve into the activities they commonly engage in when using WhatsApp.

2. Time Zone Differences

We should all be aware that Indonesia has three different time zones. Therefore, even if your target audience is all in Indonesia, it doesn’t mean you can send WhatsApp messages at the same time.

Prioritize which regions you want to focus your promotions on. Utilize the scheduling feature on WhatsApp Business for more accurate message delivery later on.

In the future, to make it easier to remember the time zones of each of your customers, use a customer data platform application for personalized customer data management. This way, you can create a detailed customer database, making it easier to promote via WhatsApp.

3. Last WhatsApp Broadcast Data

Utilize data from the last WhatsApp broadcasts used. However, remember to ensure that the performance of previous broadcasts or WA blasts yielded satisfactory results. Some success standards for WhatsApp broadcasts can be observed from the following indicators:

  • Open rate
  • Click rate
  • Message conversion

If the previous performance is deemed satisfactory and aligns with the success indicators, you can reuse it. Don’t forget to update the data regularly to maximize the performance of your WhatsApp broadcasts.

Strategies for Determining the Best Time for WhatsApp Broadcasts

Through this discussion, we’ll mutually explore effective ways to determine the best time to send promotions via WhatsApp.

1. Avoid Sending WhatsApp Messages on Weekends

Weekends or holidays in Indonesia are typically reserved for rest after five days of work and spending time with family or pursuing hobbies. People or your customers will likely spend more time in supermarkets or shopping centers than on their smartphones. So, avoid sending messages during weekends.

2. Utilize Weekdays

Weekdays are your customers’ productive days, when they often use their smartphones or computers for work. Focus on promoting products via WhatsApp on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

If you’re still unsure, most brands send WhatsApp promotions on Wednesdays or midweek. Wednesday is chosen assuming that most tasks are completed on Monday and Tuesday, and by Thursday to Friday, they’re preparing for the weekend.

3. Choose Morning Hours

When sending promotional messages via WhatsApp, consider the timing. If you want to send messages in the morning, 8-9 am is the right time for WhatsApp broadcasts. Especially if your message contains reminders or important announcements, such as payment notifications or system updates. Most people check WhatsApp in the morning before starting work, so the chances of your message being read are higher.

4. Choose Afternoon Hours

Afternoon can also be the right time for you to send messages via WhatsApp. Promotional product messages or discount notifications are recommended to be sent during lunch break hours. While resting and having lunch around 12-1 pm, customers will actively use their smartphones to look for lunch recommendations, lunch promos, or even other types of product promos.

The chances of sales conversion are much higher during lunch hours. Ensure that the WhatsApp broadcast template you use is appropriate to encourage your customers’ purchasing decisions.

5. Choose Evening Hours

Late afternoon around 4-6 pm is the right time for you to send educational or entertainment content for customer engagement needs. Amidst preparations to go home, customers will check their smartphones.
The educational or entertainment content you send can become their companion during their commute while waiting to reach home.

The Best WhatsApp Broadcast Solution with WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API is a WhatsApp Business application that allows businesses to connect with a wider audience through integrations with supporting applications such as omnichannel platforms, CRM systems, and chatbots. WhatsApp Business API serves as an all-in-one solution for your business communication needs with customers, especially for targeted WhatsApp broadcasts.

  • Broadcast without storing numbers: Unlike regular WhatsApp Business, you can send WhatsApp broadcasts to customers without storing their numbers.
  • Timely message broadcasts: Send messages at the right time with the scheduling feature available on the dashboard. Simply upload message templates, recipient data, and schedule delivery times that align with the characteristics of your buyer personas.
  • Broadcast without fear of being blocked: The WhatsApp Business API offers the official solution provided by WhatsApp. Therefore, you can send WhatsApp messages securely and seamlessly without worrying about being detected as spam and blocked by WhatsApp.
  • Unlimited message broadcasts: You can send unlimited WhatsApp broadcast messages, as there are no limitations on the quantity. You’re free to send as many messages as you wish per day, granted that the message templates you plan to send have been approved by WhatsApp.
  • Comprehensive analytics: Comprehensive analytics data will help you measure the performance of your WhatsApp marketing efforts.
  • Integration with various applications: Maximize marketing performance, internal communication, and customer service through integrations with various applications such as CRM systems, chatbots, and other social media platforms.
  • WhatsApp green tick: Increase your business credibility with the WhatsApp green tick, boosting the likelihood of customers opening your messages and driving sales conversions from your WhatsApp marketing campaigns.

WhatsApp Business API offers a powerful and scalable broadcast solution to help you reach a wide audience, increase engagement, and achieve your business goals. By choosing the right solution and leveraging its features effectively, you can increase the ROI of your WhatsApp marketing campaigns and take your business to the next level.

Contact Qiscus as the best WhatsApp Business API partner in Indonesia for free consultation here.

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